5:00 PM – 9:00 PM
5:00 PM – 10:00 PM
5:00 PM – 9:00 PM
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Through January 8, 2015
What is the inspiration for these early sculptures? As a freshman in Mechanical Engineering, I was required to take a course in humanities. Each time we met, we discussed a new page of Hamlet. The writing resonates in the realm of collective intelligence; it is like the Gettysburg Address, or the Declaration of Independence, “These truths are self evident…” Shakespeare inspired me to respect sentient intelligence that can be perceived by any person, apart from academics or wealth.
Reading Shakespeare is like going on a campout; everyone at the campsite appreciates a campfire when the night comes. Using secular language there is a visceral affect that is able to awaken a presence of wonder. I felt that I was a kin; I knew where the work came from in Shakespeare’s writing. I went to many art exhibits; only one piece had such a connection. I became convinced that I can create objects that resonate as strong as the work of Shakespeare because it would come from the same place.
What is constant? There is an attention fueled by interest that is accessing a large map of impressions stored in my mind. An anonymous wit is functioning as my inner browser; then, there is a form idea that comes to mind.
Most of these pieces are made at the Rochester Folk Art Guild, 1974 to 1985. I received attention from Mrs. Louise March; a teacher for a rigorous program of self development. I believe she was extraordinarily patient with me; she made it possible for me to have time and a place to develop a “way to work”.
In 1885, Mrs. March suggested that I go to NYC; I began work at the Statue of Liberty. She took full credit for any contribution I may have made to keep the project on schedule during the replication of the armature bars. Liberty Star was conceived and built while I was working at the Statue; after work, I was a participant at the Athena Foundation, a studio opportunity conceived by Marc DiSuvero for emerging sculptors.
Liberty Star was conceived and built while I was working at the Statue; after work, I was a participant at the Athena Foundation, a studio opportunity conceived by Marc DiSuvero for emerging sculptors.
Attention Star was a breakthrough conceived twenty-two years after the start of the Star Series. I was sitting with Barbara and Tammy waiting for a Kirosawa Movie to begin at the Film Forum.