5:00 PM – 9:00 PM
5:00 PM – 10:00 PM
5:00 PM – 9:00 PM
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Through September 1, 2016
Barbara Sandson has been concentrating her efforts in capturing the color and texture of the small forgotten villages throughout Europe. She looks for and portrays the subtleties and fragile beauty she sees around her and captures the timeless quality of these areas. There are almost no people in these images, but unlike traditional architectural photography in which people seem irrelevant, one senses here that they hover near, just outside the frame.
New York City native Barbara Sandson now lives in Piermont-on-the-Hudson, just south of Nyack, New York. Recently she has purchased a house on Martha’s Vineyard and now divides her time between the two locations.
Her interest in photography came at an early age when her father brought home a Brownie camera and an enlarger. Her training became more formalized over the years and she has studied extensively in the fields of photography and painting. After working for twenty-two years in black and white she became seriously involved with color. She now enjoys the freedom and control of doing her own darkroom work. A great deal of time, care and precision go into printing each photograph.
While Barbara has traveled extensively throughout Europe, North Africa, Asia, and South America, she developed an early passion for the French language and France itself. She was a French major in college and studied at the Université de Nancy, France, and the Ecole des Beaux Arts. Barbara has been drawn back dozens of times ever since for her photography (and of course the food and wine!)
A great number of Barbara’s photographs are now on permanent display in many galleries in the metropolitan New York area and Martha’s Vineyard. In addition, her work is in numerous private and corporate art collections, and the image, “Rainy Day Roses,” had a home for several years at the White House.